Sunday Thoughts | No Need for Award

March 5, 2023 - I have a student assistant who happens to be a Maths wizard. He is a student leader, who does so well in his Engineering subjects, but I also worry that he might miss on his studies because he also works at the library during his vacant hours. 

"Are you sure you can manage all these?" I asked him when he showed me his schedule at the start of last semester. He is also an officer in the Student Council and is active in extra curricular activities.

 I know how it feels, running after to get good grades, joining the student org, editing the college paper, competing is extra curriculars,  while earning my keep as a student assistant. Been there,done that. But he is an Engineering student! I have friends who cheered when their professors gave them  3.00 for a grade, but this boy, he gets 1.75, no less. 

"Show me your grades at the end of the semester. If you manage to maintain your grades, I will keep you at work. If not, I don't want this work to get in between you and your dreams."

He nodded. Probably he took my challenge. Just the other day, he went to my office. 

"Sir, here's my grade!" He sounded proud. 

"Why do you have to show me your grades?" I was deep in my writing for a report, so I totally forgot about what I told him a few months ago.  I seem to have a bout with short term memory loss lately! 

"You asked me to show you my grades, right? So, here they are." He handed me a print out of his grades. Impressive! He got 1.25 for the highest grade, 1.75 for the lowest. Again, this is an Engineering student. 

"Oh, my. Your college should award you with Latin honors when you graduate." I told him. I am very proud at how my past student assistants have become, by the way. 

But it turned out he could not be because he has a grade of 2.0. In a minor subject! He doesn't sound disappointed, though. He was proud he got straight 1's in all major subjects. 

"Never mind," I told him. " just top the board exam!"

"That's the goal!" He replied. 

My student assistant's case is just one of the many I've heard about deserving students who missed the chance to get the recognition. And then there are those who got the top honors but with dubious claim to fame.

Three years ago, I wrote this essay and I think it  is worth sharing because I think this relates to this Sunday's story and I know you will also relate...


I always have my second thoughts when I come across a  "Search for Outstanding..." In this field and that. More often than not, it is a search for documents in the drawer or the file folder. Or search for someone else's certificate to be PhotoShopped so it bears someone else's so the other gets the points to score the award.

  I don't generalize, i'm just stating my opinion. 

I'd like to look at it in a bigger perspective. Then there is also this instance: When you know someone is looking at you, of course, you will do your best. And then, you slack back to your old, usual self when the jury has gone and the plaque has been handed over. 

For me, though, more outstanding are those who keep doing what is right and keep giving their best even if no one is looking at them. 

I hope we have this mindset. We do things because it is right, because it benefits many and it is towards the common good. We help not even if no medal of Valor awaits us, because we feel the inner joy in doing random acts of kindness. 

For every student who won't ever be a cum laude because he got a grade of 2.0 in one subject, dont worry...

For every  quiet employee who discreetly toils, don't worry...

For every individual who helps others in need without ever making their identity known, don't worry...

For every wind beneath some else's wings, don't worry...

For every secret Santa or Fairy Godparent who lurks at the background or hides in the shadow while quietly helping someone reach for his or her dream, don't worry...

 It is good to be feted by others, but if you know you are doing  the right thing - and you're doing it right, BTW -  you won't ever have to depend on  anyone for confirmation or affirmation because you know you have done a good job.

That's not outstanding.

 That's not even excellent. 

That's larger than life!


Sunday Thoughts is my weekend series where I write about my thoughts for the week that was and what transpired in life. Read more about my Sunday Thoughts via #ChristiansSundayThoughts or visit my blog for more stories.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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