Remembering Lola

My grandmother, Lilian Yncong Lopez Acevedo. Here's a colorized version of her photograph, originally taken in 1949, when she was 20. Had she been alive today, she could have been 94. 

She told me a lot of stories when she was alive, remembering she would do so in the afternoons, after I woke up from the nap. She instilled in me the importance of taking the after-lunch lull.  

"You will not grow up if you don't take a nap."

"Don't dare go out in the midday (udtong adlaw), it's the encanto's witching hour!"

"If you don't take a bath and wash your hair, lice will nest on your head. When there's a lot of them on your hair, they will carry you and hang you on the bamboo!"

Oh, so many stories!  Some I remember, others I have to find time to remember again. But I admit I should write them or else I will forget them when my memory fades. 

Anyway, Happy birthday in heaven, Lola. By Christian George Acevedo, November 6, 2023.

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