When Bright Ideas Spring to Mind

I’ve been meaning to write about this…

Some of the best ideas spring to my mind when I’m at the church. I don’t know what miracle it is, but I never fail to thank God, with amazement, if the many wondrous thoughts that He allows to enter my head.
It may be because when I’m at church, my mind is de-cluttered. An hour spent saying the rosary, reading the Scriptures, communing with God, and doing some heart-to-heart talk with Him make it all easier and less burdensome to face all my troubles.

When I’m at church….

I feel more at ease. I feel relaxed. I feel relieved.

I feel more confident. I feel like I can face all my troubles. I feel encouraged. I feel that God is with me—in me.

I feel loved. I feel protected. I fear no evil, for I know, He is with me.

I feel thankful. I feel His daily sufficient grace abundant in my life. I feel loved. I feel at rest.

What about you? Do you ever frequent your church? Do you feel great the moment you enter its doorsteps? I hope you do. I hope you, too, feel heavenly Father’s loving hands in your life not only when you enter the church, but every time you pray and live your life according to His heavenly will.  

Indeed, it’s worth pausing and meditating on this popular Bible verse:

I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger. 
– John 6:35

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