COVID Diary #4: COVID-19 stress and anxiety is real

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19-related fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and one could undergo strong emotional storms, particularly adults and children. Usual symptoms include fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, worsening of mental health conditions, and increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

A close friend of mine penned an essay as a way of coping up with the emotional attack she’s been going through lately. Two of her family members are directly affected by this disease and they’re in different parts of the world.  I could only imagine the stress, the emotional trauma, and the pain she’s going through right now. She asked me to share this to everyone on the FB group I created specifically for COVID-19 life experiences. Here’s her story…

Before this whole pandemic and lock down happened, I thought I was a normal lady in my early 30s, who is used to being independent. Ever since high school, I’m used to being away from my family. I live in the city and seldom go home to the countryside. I married my husband who is a seafarer, so i saw my family less and less because i have to stay more often in the city. We are now renting an apartment. And yes, most of the time I’m alone. Although i have a friend next door who i eat meals with, at the end of the day, it’s just me alone in the bed. So basically i have time to think and ponder on things, especially when insomnia kicks in.

Now going back, when lock down was announced, i didn’t really mind it that much, it’s just that, i would miss going out  and eating out during my lazy times when i don’t have the energy anymore after arriving from work. As the community quarantine was announced, my apart-mate and I decide to go out to buy our necessities.  That time, social distancing was not yet observed but alcohols, Lysol and other disinfectants were starting to be off the shelves already. I was still fine then.

After a week of updates and news , and as cases increased and the first case in the province was announced, i felt something strange. I know in myself something is wrong. I started to panic without any reason at all. I felt nervous. I started shaking, and felt a lump in my throat. I immediately informed my uncle who is a nurse abroad and he told me to do things, such as steam myself with boiling water with salt, drink ginger tea, and inhale essential oil to calm me down. He assured me that I would be fine we talked long enough that night.  I also told my husband about it, unfortunately due to his signal, he couldn’t communicate and check on me that often. I was also constantly checking my temperature. It was ranging from 36.4 to 36.9. I kept on consoling myself that I’m fine and it’s still a normal temperature.  I was already in a very panicky state. It came to a point that i already packed an overnight bag just in case anything happens. I slept downstairs on the sofa, probably around 1am.

Next day, I felt a little better compared to last night. I tried to act normal and prepared food. During lunch as me and my apart-mate was eating, I told her what happened. She told me i was just being hypochondriac and we laughed about it. But i still have that gag feeling, i want to throw up yet nothing came out. And the lump is still in my throat i even informed her that i am sleeping at the sofa and if i couldn’t message her please try to check on me (she has a spare key of my unit). That’s how paranoid i was.  Now it was nighttime again. That anxiety is starting to creep on my system again. I was about to call my uncle again but i saw in our family group chat that he said he doesn’t feel well and he decided to submit himself for a drive thru PCR test. So i didn’t disturb him and just did all the regimen he told me to do, again i slept at the sofa.

The next morning i felt better again. Tried zumba (first time doing it alone in the house.) Did things to make my mind busy. Eating with my apart-mate, then going separate ways after meals. Until night comes again.  Now this night's episode was again an intense one. I started to gag really hard that a little really came out. I was starting to have cold sweats. This was the night my uncle told us that the result came out to be positive. I didn’t know what to do, i felt the lump swell even more, i steamed myself, took ginger tea but I was shaking.  I was crying. I was helpless in putting myself to stay calm. But i couldn’t. I didn’t know what to do. I felt helpless. I remembered something, looked for the rosary in my bag. Honestly, i already forgot how to do the rosary, but thanks to Youtube, i followed the virtual holy rosary video, i was praying and sobbing silently. I prayed to God to make me calm, to make my uncle safe, to protect my husband, to protect my family. I promised to him that starting that night i would make it a habit to do the rosary before  i sleep. It calmed me and i managed to sleep at around 2am, again at the sofa.

The next few days were more peaceful than before. The gag feeling was gone, by this time i avoided drinking cold water and soda and i even started to loose weight. All of a sudden one afternoon, while we were watching at my apart-mate’s unit, i started to shake again, panic is kicking in again. By the way, we went out for groceries together and usually do it on Wednesdays. She told me to calm down and think of happy thoughts. She even assured me that if i got sick so should she since we were together most of the time. I asked her if i could sleep over, she agreed. She kept on talking to me to keep me away from that anxiety. That was one of the few nights i slept early in the duration of the lock down... If 11pm is early.

The next day i woke up at around 6 or 7am, I think I told my apart-mate I’d go back to my unit. For the first time in few days, i slept again in my room, opened the AC and took a nap for a couple of hours and woke up again at around 9am. The following days were a routine. My uncle started to feel better. Another week had passed.  Then one afternoon, I felt it again. I told my apart-mate about it and asked her to sleep on my unit this time.   It made me calm again.  Every time that I felt that panic would kick in, God knows how I tried to put it off my mind. But the anxiety is really strong you couldn’t control the shaking, the pain in the chest as if your being choked. And the lump in the throat.  Every time i feel it, i ask my apartment for a sleep over. 

By the way, my mother is not aware of everything that happened to me up until now. I decided not to tell her to avoid her to be stressed as well.

Then the province shifted to general community quarantine. It was my chance to go home immediately. It felt really good seeing my family. During my first day, we swam in an inflatable pool. I stayed there for a couple of hours. I was with my two little cousins who really enjoyed the pool so much. Today, it’s my second day in here. I woke up not feeling well, probably because of too much swimming yesterday. Panic starts to knock on my mind again. I am now checking my temperature almost every 15 minutes. Still on a normal range. The lump is back. I’m quietly distancing myself from the people here in the house. This time, I informed my mom about it. I’m keeping a safe distance. Then suddenly my brother who is working abroad messaged me. His room-mate has tested positive! Now I’m in full blown panic attack in my mind. He added that because of that, their entire building is on lock down and he will be subjected to strict quarantine. I asked him if he had already told mama about it. He didn’t and he asked me to do it for him. I can’t. I don,t know how to. My stress level is very high now.

Mind you, people, this pandemic is a real cause for emotional roller coaster. The psychological impact is real. It makes you feel weird things, crying for no reason, feeling anxious, insomniac, etc. You think you're brave, you're strong, but once you feel what i feel, your guards will go down. I’m now considering professional help so I could cope up. To make me feel my normal self again. I wrote this as an outlet and to take me away from the negative thoughts even just for a short time. Hoping by doing so it would make me feel a little better.

To those people out there who is experiencing the same, stay strong. Pray. We can get through this!

If you feel you need an outlet for the emotional burden that you’re going through now, write it down. Share your thoughts. Share your feeling. Share your pain. We heal as one.

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