A journey in writing

Some people asked me if i have a degree in language or literature and  i would politely reply, No i dont. Interestingly i am a Science teaching education graduate but i havent taught any science subject since 2015 and i dont intend to.  I took English as a second major right after finishing college (while waiting for my board exam results), but what i learned about writing came from my experience as a writer. 

I joined the college paper when i was a freshman student and our school paper adviser - the same school paper adviser who honed Tito Ralph Gerard Marcelo Cadiz  to be an award winning student editor - was the one who nurtured my knowledge in writing and editing.

Then, in graduate school, for my first master's degree (i have two, by the way), my thesis writing adviser and our graduate school dean were instrumental in sharpening my analytical and critical skills and  applying it into research and translating this into the written words. 

In 2016, i volunteered to write the notes for a museum exhibit. There were some researches to do and drafts to prepare. We have an 80-something-year-old consultant who was a published author abroad. After reading and butchering my work, she told me, "You know what, you write good. But could do better. It's always good to aim for the moon. Even if you fall, you'll land upon the stars." I was goose-bumped that  moment and that quote has stuck on my mind ever since. 

My work as a librarian has trained me the nitty gritty of searching books, finding resources and networking with other librarians, historians, and people who could be excellent sources of knowledge.

While these experiences were priceless, i also have to thank my daily habit of reading that seriously enriched my vocabulary. I read novels and non-fiction books. In college, i even read Precious Hearts and Harlequin romances and Barbara Cartland books. If you want to flex your imagination, try romance pocket books!

 I try to study the writing styles of authors whose works I have devoured. My personal favourites in the fiction realm are Debbie Macomber, Danielle Steel,  Mitch Albom and Cecilia Brainard .  In terms of nonfiction, I like the way Felice Prudente Sta. Maria and Janet Wallach write. Their talent for research are also worth noting. 

Yes, look up to someone.  I may have not yet achieved the same level of successes that they do, but I know one day i will.

A lot of people tell me why do i keep working as a librarian when I could be a faculty member. I could even be a university professor one day, someone said! I just smile when i hear them convince me. I dont want to be a university professor. I want to be a librarian first and a best-selling author most importantly. At least on Amazon. I am now very clear about myself about what i want to be. And i no longer want to be something or someone because people told me so. I want to be someone because that's what i want. When i finally realized that, i felt at peace about myself.

So now, dear friends, if you want to find a sense of happiness, be very clear about what you want to be. And strive hard and smart to hit that mark. 

Happy weekend!

(Written February 12, 2022)

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